There has been little shift in Queensland’s jobless rate according to the latest unemployment rates released today, said Shadow Treasurer Curtis Pitt.
Mr Pitt said using Treasurer Tim Nicholls’ preferred measure of trend unemployment, the unemployment rate had remained steady meaning the Newman Government was failing to address the number of Queenslanders who were out of work.
“Tim Nicholls is on the record as saying trend is a ‘more reliable’ measure of unemployment* and by his preferred measure, the unemployment rate is still 6.6%.
“That means almost 164,000 Queenslanders are still without a job in Campbell Newman’s Queensland using the LNP’s preferred measure.
“They’ve based their advertising around trend figures and 6.6% is a long way from Campbell Newman’s promise of 4% unemployment or the unemployment rate they inherited of 5.5%.”
Mr Pitt said Queensland was still underperforming compared to the rest of the country.
“Trend unemployment rate is sitting at its highest rate in 11 years and is the second highest in mainland Australia behind Victoria.
“Around 600 jobs were also lost on a trend basis in December. There are also 30,900 more unemployed people trend since the election with a lower participation rate.
“The participation rate was 66.8% in March 2012 down to 65.2% today.
“More people have given up actively looking for work and they are no longer included in unemployment statistics.
“It’s more difficult to find job under the Newman Government today than it was in March 2012. Campbell Newman will blame uncertain times but those uncertain times were created by his Government.
“In trend terms 8,100 full-time jobs have been lost under the Newman Government since March 2012- that’s 245 full-time jobs per month on average. In comparison, 42,900 full-time jobs were created over three years under the former Government or 1,190 full-time jobs per month on average.”
Mr Pitt said Campbell Newman’s only plan was to sell Queensland’s assets.
“Asset sales are a recipe for even more job losses and even more job losses. In stark contrast, Labor won’t sell Queensland’s assets and retain the revenue they return to the stat,” he said.
“We’ve also introduced policies to employ more nurses, more teachers, more guidance officers and stimulate business with our Business Development Fund. More work needs to be done to repair the damage the Newman Government has inflicted in the economy and Labor’s fiscal policy will be released tomorrow.”
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