Shadow Treasurer Curtis Pitt said the fact that Far North residents have been locked out of the Treasurer’s asset sales lecture tour shows that the LNP has already decided on a mass asset sell-off.

“The Premier and the Treasurer haven’t listened to Queenslanders. Their mind is made up on asset sales, pure and simple,” Mr Pitt said.

“If they were willing to listen, why won’t they have a public forum where everyone can participate and express their views?

“Mr Nicholls’ tour is nothing more than lip service. This whole exercise has come directly from his taxpayer-funded $20,000 a month spin consultants, who are being paid to help sell the Treasurer’s asset sales campaign.

“The Treasurer said before the last election that he had a plan to pay off debt that did not involve selling off assets. Was he lying, or has he simply run out of ideas?

“The Treasurer talks a lot about interest costs per hour but fails to mention that this reflects his Government adding $834,000 per hour to the State’s debt”

“The people of Far North Queensland have made their position clear on asset sales, yet the Premier and the Treasurer are going to push ahead anyway.

“The only people Campbell Newman and Tim Nicholls listen to are the global investment banks, who are pocketing millions of taxpayer dollars in consulting fees.”

Mr Pitt said only Labor was listening to the concerns of Queenslanders.

“Queenslanders sent a message to all politicians at the last election. They want to keep their assets in public hands for the long term.

“It seems that only Labor was listening.”