[singlepic id=473 w=320 h=240 float=left] Member for Mulgrave Curtis Pitt has acknowledged 50 years of dedicated community service by local Justice of the Peace (JP), John Martin.

Mr Pitt said Mr Martin’s father was also a JP and between them they have provided many decades of service.

“It is impossible to put a value on the contribution Mr Martin has made to community development and the well-being of fellow citizens over the past 50 years,” Mr Pitt said.

Mr Pitt said JPs and Commissioners of Declaration (Cdecs) provided a vital role in the community.

“There are approximately 89,000 volunteer JPs and Cdecs throughout the state who are dedicated to assisting their local community,” Mr Pitt said.

“There are about 960 JPs and Cdecs in the Mulgrave electorate and I thank them for their ongoing service.

“Many of these volunteers are part of the Queensland Government’s ‘JPs in the Community’ program which was established in early 2003 and has grown throughout Queensland.

“The program now boasts 156 sites with 2,626 volunteers who contribute more than 74,400 volunteer hours.

“JPs provide a great service to the community, and the important work they do enables lawyers and the courts to concentrate on cases which require professional legal training.

“This is a significant contribution which assists in the delivery of a fair, efficient and accessible justice system for Queensland.”

JPs handle between 1,500 and 2,000 matters throughout Queensland each day.

Anyone interested in becoming a JP can find information at www.justice.qld.gov.au or call the JP
Branch on 1300 301 147.