Member for Mulgrave Curtis Pitt has encouraged local people who care about fairness and justice to join a new Facebook group supporting public housing tenants.

Mr Pitt said the new group “Friends of Public Housing Qld” had been established in the wake of the Newman Government’s attacks on public housing tenants.

“The new Facebook group is a good way to share information and show support for Queenslanders who have made their homes in public housing and who now feel under siege from the state government,” he said.

“I encourage everyone to be a fan of this Facebook page and support public housing tenants and help hold the Newman Government to account.”

The new group, started by Brisbane public housing tenant Eugenie Foley-Maru, can be found at

“Support is growing around the state against the Newman Government’s cruel mistreatment of Queenslander’s living in social housing who remain uncertain of their future,” Mr Pitt said.

“The Opposition has already tabled a petition in State Parliament containing 2,766 signatures from people calling on the government to act with true compassion and respect when dealing with these fellow Queenslanders.”

Mr Pitt said it was not too late to sign the petition at his electorate office at 94-96 Norman Street, Gordonvale.

“Fresh from its attacks on public housing tenants, the LNP government has recently turned its attention to scaring people living in three state-owned caravan parks it plans to sell out from under them,” he said.

“The caravan parks at Cannon Hill in Brisbane and at Hervey Bay and Woombye near Nambour are home to hundreds of people yet the government plans to close the parks and throw people out on the streets.”

Mr Pitt said anyone wanting to sign the petition to support the caravan park residents should visit State Parliament’s petition site.